
Love Your Triggers


Zoom Meetings every Thursday 6.00 - 7.30 PDT and every Saturday 10.00 - 11.30 am PDT with Jim Dreaver


Zoom Link Click Here. Meetings are free, donations welcome. Donate here.


Until we wake up to the truth within, we believe we are this ego “I,” the voice in our head that worries, doubts, suffers, and fears losing control. That asserts, “I’m confused, angry, depressed, ashamed, etc.” That feels good when things are going well, and stressed and anxious when not.


But when we awaken we realize that underneath the drama of our ego and its “story” is an ever-flowing field of freedom, love, and creative joy which nourishes and inspires us as we deal with the joys and challenges of living.


How to awaken? When we are emotionally triggered we learn to welcome it because it is showing us where we are not yet free.


Using the mantra “Who is this ‘me’ that gets triggered?” we revisit the reactive incident from alert presence and realize the truth: the “I” or “me” cannot be found, other than as a “story,” a concept that comes-and-goes in the spacious awareness we are. Each time we do this, we find ourselves freer and more present.


Come join a heartfelt community focused on ending suffering and awakening our true potential!


Loving every minute of this, Jim… Before I met you, my stories were many, my ‘I’–dentity, or ego, had complete control. I was a puppet at the mercy of my past thoughts and future wishes, not to mention my anger which hid my self-loathing underneath. Then we met, and everything began to shift, such that I am a happy man now…”                                                   

Stuart Crick, Sydney, Australia

48 m video of Jim teaching on 8.21